viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

October’s top 5

1 The boyfriends "The boyfriends"

Famous even before their first LP. Maybe, the new Smiths.

Tapes n’ tapes “The loon”

90’s American Indie is also back.

3 The Walkmen “A Hundred miles Off”

One of the best nowadays bands from New York.

4 Think about life “Think about life”

A band from Montreal playing disco-indie as dirty as good sex.

5 Cansei de Ser Sexy “CSS”

Clean disco-indie.

miércoles, abril 13, 2005

Don't believe the hype (english)

Don't believe the hype, but enjoy it while it lasts. Also, don't believe this blog, it could be a hype and, if not, don't believe it as well. Right now, is just an idea.

Don't believe the hype (spanish)

No te creas el hype, pero disfrutalo mientras dure. Tampoco te creas este blog, podría ser un hype y, si no, tampoco te lo creas. Por el momento, es sólo una idea.